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Bocas Del Toro Surfing Safety Tips

July 20, 2016

Do you plan on visiting Bocas del Toro to take advantage of the incredible surfing opportunities? Whether you are new to the sport or a seasoned pro, it never hurts to brush up on Bocas del Toro surfing safety tips:

Always check the weather.
Bocas del Toro surfing is ideal under sunny skies, but unfortunately, the weather doesn’t always cooperate with visitors’ plans. Before you head out for a day on the water, it’s essential that you check the weather forecast. High winds can lead to choppy, rough waters that are difficult to surf, and you should never be in the water during a thunderstorm, either. To avoid sudden changes in weather that could make surfing conditions dangerous, plan ahead by keeping a close eye on the forecast.

Look for other surfers.
Tourists from all over the world visit Bocas del Toro surfing spots, so there are bound to be some other surfers in the water with you. It’s important that you take the time to look out for these other surfers before catching a wave. When an area becomes too crowded, every surfer around you is at risk of being injured, so play it safe and keep a safe distance.

Beware rip currents.
Rip currents are incredibly dangerous, but if you plan on visiting Bocas del Toro surfing spots, you could encounter one. A rip current is a powerful, narrow stream of water that could pull you underwater and drag you out to sea. If you ever find yourself caught in a rip current, you must paddle across the rip instead of against it. Remember, these are vary narrow channels of water, so paddling across it will get you out of this powerful flow of water and back to safety. Learn more about rip currents.

Warm up.
Surfing is fun, but it’s also physically demanding. Think of surfing as an exercise, and be sure to warm up for it before you hit the water. Taking the time to stretch before you start to paddle out to the waves will prevent injuries and cramps that could occur while you’re surfing.

Don’t drink.
Bocas del Toro surfing can be challenging, so it’s important that you have your head in the game to avoid injuring yourself and those around you. It’s never a good idea to consume alcohol before surfing. You need to be able to fully control your body and make a lot of judgment calls while surfing, both of which are hard to do while under the influence of alcohol. A lot of people drink while on vacation, but the alcohol can wait until after your surfing session is over.

Ready to visit one of the beautiful Bocas del Toro surfing spots and hit the waves? When choosing which resort you want to stay in during your visit, there’s nowhere better than the Garden of Eden. We have affordable, family-friendly accommodations with breathtaking views of the impressive island with comfortable lounge chairs and hammocks. Contact us at +507-6967-0187 or email us at for more information.