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The archipelago of Bocas del Toro in Panama is situated on the northwestern coast of Panama in and around the Bay of Chiriqui. This isolated region of Panama has only recently been discovered by international travelers. It is for this reason that much of the island chain remains in pristine and untouched splendor. Bocas is a diver and outdoor lovers paradise with unspoiled coral reefs, deep-sea fishing, boating, kayaking, snorkeling and long, deserted sandy deserted beaches.

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Bocas Del Toro Surfing Guide

Ready to hit the waves in Panama? If you’ve never been to this area, there are a few things you need to know before you jump on your board and paddle out into the water. Here’s a Bocas del Toro surfing guide to help you navigate the waters while you’re here:

What should you bring?
There are surfing shops located throughout Bocas del Toro that allow you to rent the gear you need to get in the water. So, you don’t have to lug your board and other surfing supplies with you unless you want to. But, you should bring a change of clothes, a first aid kit and a cell phone in case you get lost or find yourself in an emergency situation. Learn about what you should wear while surfing so you come prepared in the right attire.

Is the water dangerous?
There are always certain dangers associated with surfing, but as long as you stay alert and know what to look for, you can surf safely off the shores of Boca del Toro. The main things you should watch for as you surf are rocks and reefs, which can both be very sharp, especially if you are thrown against them by the force of the water.

Panama is known to have rip tides occasionally, so always check with the locals or the employees at your hotel to discuss the current water conditions. To avoid being hurt in a rip tide, surf with a buddy who can keep an eye on you.

Where should you surf?
Bocas del Toro is known for its many surfing spots, but a local favorite is definitely the Playa Paunch, which is located on Colon Island near Bocas Town. Locals love this spot because surfers of all skill levels can catch a wave or two without injuring themselves. But, it may be crowded because it is so popular. This area becomes especially crowded during holidays such as Easter, Christmas and New Year’s. If you find yourself out on the water with other surfers, make sure you respect their space to avoid any injuries or accidents.

When is the best time to go?
If you’re planning a trip to go surfing in Bocas del Toro, try to book it between the months of April and June. Although there are large waves during July and August, the months between April and June produce the most consistent swells. If you go from November to the beginning of April, you can still surf, but the waves will be much smaller. This may be a good time to go if you are just starting out and want to try surfing in a new location.

Want to go surfing in Bocas Del Toro? You’ll need to find a place to stay! There is no place better in Bocas del Toro than the Garden of Eden. We have affordable, family-friendly accommodations with breathtaking views of the impressive island with comfortable lounge chairs and hammocks. Contact us at +507-6967-0187 or email us at for more information.