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The archipelago of Bocas del Toro in Panama is situated on the northwestern coast of Panama in and around the Bay of Chiriqui. This isolated region of Panama has only recently been discovered by international travelers. It is for this reason that much of the island chain remains in pristine and untouched splendor. Bocas is a diver and outdoor lovers paradise with unspoiled coral reefs, deep-sea fishing, boating, kayaking, snorkeling and long, deserted sandy deserted beaches.

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Tips for Traveling to Bocas Del Toro Resorts

August 10, 2016

Are you preparing for a relaxing and rejuvenating stay at one of the Bocas del Toro resorts? If you’ve never traveled to Panama before, you’re in for a world of incredible surprises, from breathtaking views to crystal clear water. But, before you go, make sure you take note of these tips for traveling to this exotic location:

Relax while snorkeling.
Do you plan on snorkeling off of the coast near the Bocas del Toro resorts? It’s important to calm your nerves and relax as you explore the hidden treasures under the water. Marine life won’t view a relaxed snorkeler as a threat. This means creatures will be more likely to go about their normal business in your presence so you actually experience them in their natural habitat. Read more tips for your first time snorkeling.

Eat like the locals do.
The best way to learn about the local culture is to eat the food. When you stay at Bocas del Toro resorts, make sure you have time to nibble on some of the most popular dishes of Panama. Sancocho is a warm and spicy chicken soup that is incredibly popular in Panama. If soup isn’t your style, try Carimañola, a fried meat pie with meats and cheeses. Don’t forget to finish your meal with one of the dessert dishes loved by all Panamanians, Orejitas, which are light and buttery cookies sprinkled with sugar. Not an adventurous eater? At least try the tortillas, which are much different in texture than the ones you will find in the rest of Central America.

Look up.
While staying at one of the Bocas del Toro resorts, be aware of palm trees around you. Try to avoid walking underneath palm trees so you don’t risk getting hit in the head with a coconut. It may sound like a joke straight out of a children’s cartoon, but falling coconuts can lead to serious injuries or even death from traumatic head injuries. Although palm trees add to the relaxing ambience of the area, they can be dangerous to unsuspecting tourists.

Take the advice of the professionals.
The best Bocas del Toro resorts have on site guides or concierge services that can help you plan your stay. If you are not familiar with the area, it is always wise to speak to these helpful guides both as you plan your trip and once you get there. These guides are around to make sure that you make the most out of your time in Bocas del Toro, so don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations on what to do, what to pack with you, and the easiest way to travel to the area.

When choosing which of the Bocas del Toro resorts you want to stay in during your visit, there is no place better than the Garden of Eden. We have affordable, family-friendly accommodations with breathtaking views of the impressive island with comfortable lounge chairs and hammocks. Contact us at +507-6967-0187 or email us at for more information.